Broken Spell is an animated video about the concepts of love and climate.
A young and beautiful couple are in love but the relationship cannot be consummated, like in the story of Romeo and Juliet.Catastrophic climate change has destroyed the couple’s love. While in the Shakespearean tragedy love is destroyed by tribal allegiance, in this scenario love cannot bloom because of environmental disaster.
The lovers can be seen as a metaphor for our symbiotic relationship to the planet. We love it, but mercilessly abuse and devour it.In the video, the lovers are constantly surrounded by annihilation as buildings collapse around them and tornadoes rage and the earth cracks beneath them. However, they are never separated by these nightmarish circumstances and seem oblivious to the danger that besets them.
Their only instinct is to never part.Perfect love as a concept is omnipotent. In reality however love inevitably has destructive consequences. Love is ultimately hazard